College of Engineering

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

  • The following are the graduation requirements for the student:
  • The student must successfully complete the minimum required credit hours for the program.
  • The student must have completed the graduation project in two semesters.
  • The student must have completed the summer training.
  • The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 out of 5.00.
  • The student must have completed 60% or more of the credit hours at the Islamic University.
  • To obtain First Honors, the student must obtain a cumulative GPA of 4.75 or higher, out of 5.00.
  • To obtain Second Honors, the student must obtain a cumulative GPA of 4.25 or higher and less than 4.75, out of 5.00.

The rules for Honors are as follows:

The student must not have failed any course at the Islamic University as well as at other universities.

The student must have completed all graduation requirements within the period between the minimum and maximum total of the semesters registered at the university.

Students graduate after successfully completing all graduation requirements according to the department plan and are awarded the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical/Electrical/Civil Engineering. The student must mention his/her full name, nationality, date of birth, college, department, graduation degree, year of graduation, graduation semester, and the number and date of the University Council meeting on the graduation certificate signed by the Dean of the Deanship of Admissions and the President of the University.

If the student has successfully completed the required courses but the cumulative GPA is less than 2.75, the College Council, based on the recommendations of the Department Council, may determine the appropriate courses for the student to complete in order to improve the cumulative GPA. Graduate students who have received an incomplete (IC) grade must submit a formal request to the College Council for approval to take an alternative exam in one or more of the courses taken in the final level of study.

Documentation Process for Graduation Requirements:

The online Student Information System (SIS) called Edugate is used by the Islamic University to monitor and document the comprehensive academic activity of all students. The Edugate system accurately documents all academic activity of students, such as general academic status, degree of commitment, list of academic advisors, etc. The Edugate system provides students with all available options regarding course registration for any semester. If students have completed all graduation requirements, a graduation status notification is automatically sent to the university administration.

Attendance and punctuality:

  • Every regular student must attend lectures, laboratories and workshops at the dates specified and announced by the university administration. If the student's attendance falls below the minimum set by the university council (75 percent of the lectures, classes and laboratory lessons allocated for each course), the student will be prevented from continuing the course and will be denied entry to the final exam. A student who is prevented from entering the exam due to absence is considered to have failed the course and will receive a DN grade in the course.
  • The college council or any of the bodies that it officially delegates its authority to may exempt a deprived student from the provisions of attendance and allow him to take the final exam, provided that the student provides an acceptable excuse to the council and that his total participation is less than 50%.
  • A student who is absent from the final exam will receive a zero grade in this exam. His grade in the course will be calculated based on the grade of the semester work he obtained during the semester.
  • If a student fails to attend a final exam in any course but provides a convincing excuse, the College Council may accept his excuse and allow him to take a substitute exam. The substitute exam must be taken before the end of the following semester. In such cases, the student's grade will be awarded to the student after the substitute exam.
  • A student may withdraw from studies for a semester, without being considered "failed", if he provides an acceptable excuse to the body approved by the University Council at least one month before the start of the final exams. This semester will be counted towards the period required to complete the program degree. A student may do so only three times throughout his academic studies.
  • A student may withdraw from one course in a semester (up to one month before the start of the final exams). The registered credit hours must not be less than 10. Attendance in the withdrawn course must be more than 75%.

Drop and Add:

  • Students' courses are registered automatically according to the registration systems.
  • Students may add/drop courses before the end of the second week of the semester.
  • The minimum academic load is 10 credit hours and the maximum is 18 credit hours per semester. The College Council may exempt the student from the maximum limit of no more than 23 credit hours if this leads to the students' graduation. For the summer semester, the maximum academic load is 10 credit hours for regular students and 6 credit hours for a student whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.75.
  • If a student fails a course, he must first register for that course (and cannot drop it) and then he can register for other courses.
  • Zero-level courses cannot be dropped.
  • Prerequisites must be met before registering for a course.
  • If necessary, students may register for courses from one higher level at most.

Withdrawal and Deferral:

A student may defer his studies for reasons acceptable to the College Council. The deferral period cannot exceed two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive regular semesters at the university; otherwise, he will be expelled from the university. The deferred period will not be included in the period required to complete the program degree. This must be done before the start of the semester.

If a student interrupts his studies for one semester without submitting a deferral request, he will be dismissed from the university. The University Council may also dismiss the student if he interrupts for less than one semester.

A student is not considered "interrupted" if he is a visiting student at another university.

Summer Semester:

Summer Semester: A period not exceeding eight (8) weeks of instruction, excluding registration and final exam periods. The weekly duration of each course in the summer session is double its duration during the regular semester. A student may study the summer semester at the Islamic University or outside it. To study at other universities in the summer, the following conditions must be met:

  • The student must obtain prior approval from the department/college in which he is studying.
  • The student must be registered in an accredited college or university.
  • The courses taken by the student outside his/her university must be equivalent to one of the courses included in his/her plan.
  • A student who has received an academic warning cannot be a visiting student at another university.
  • The visiting student must submit the results of each semester to his/her college no later than the second week of the beginning of the following semester.
  • The maximum load for the summer semester is 10 credit hours.