Privacy notice

The Islamic University of Madinah welcomes you all to its website. Our privacy policy aims to help you understand why your personal data is requested when using our services, and to inform you of your responsibilities and rights towards this data.

By accessing the Islamic University of Madinah website or using the services of its Portal, you are informed and agree to its privacy policy. The Islamic University of Madinah confirms the protection of beneficiaries’ data from loss, misuse or change of information and to preserve their privacy by applying the necessary administrative controls and technical measures in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and policies and in line with the standards and recommendations issued by the National Data Management Office – NDMO. Despite IU’s efforts to take the maximum possible technical measures and best practices in data management, it cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the use of its portal services and is not responsible for any damage that may be suffered by a beneficiary or any party as a result of any violation of the confidentiality of the information transmitted on its site.

The laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall be solely applicable in all matters related to disputes that may arise as a result of the use of this portal, and the courts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall have exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and consider such disputes.

·        Which personal data is collected?

 We collect the necessary personal data about you depending on the service you wish to use or obtain, such as your  account data, contact data, technical data, financial data, educational data, marital status data and so on.

·        How is personal data collected :

The Islamic University of Madinah collects and processes certain personal data obtained directly or indirectly, using various methods including:

Direct ways of obtaining personal data, such as:

·         When registering in the official channels of Islamic University of Madinah, wishing to benefit from its services, including the admission portal, mobile applications or the various products and services offered by the Islamic University of Madinah.

·         When communicating with the Islamic University of Madinah through customer service channels visually, in writing or via audio.

·         Questionnaires.

Indirect ways of obtaining personal data, such as:

·         Data provided to us by third parties.

·         Cookies.


·        Legal basis for collecting your personal data and its purpose:

The collection and processing of your personal data is necessary to perform services that achieve public interest, as it is collected for the following purposes:

·         Raising services’ level of performance and development, improving beneficiaries’ experiences and ensuring the continuity of providing services with the required quality.

·          Monitoring and detecting violations of the terms of use of the electronic portal of Islamic University of Madinah.

·         Solving and addressing inquiries and complaints of beneficiaries of the services of Islamic University of Madinah.

·          Authentication of the user's identity when registering in various services of Islamic University of Madinah.

Meeting public and private legal and regulatory requirements.

In accordance with the Data Sharing Policy issued by the National Data Management Office, we will only share your personal data with non-governmental entities if they are authorized to perform specific government services or after obtaining your consent to do so.

We may share your necessary personal data with government agencies for specific purposes based on legal basis or a justified practical need aimed at achieving a public interest without causing any harm to national interests, activities of entities, privacy of individuals, or environment safety, with the exception of data and entities excluded by royal decrees.

When sharing your personal data, care is taken to share it through a secure and reliable environment and in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies, and we may take additional steps to ensure the protection of your data by signing a data sharing agreement between the University and other parties in accordance with specific terms and conditions that are compatible with the principles of data sharing.

In accordance with all applicable regulations, your personal data will be stored and processed in a secure manner within the geographical borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to ensure that the digital national sovereignty of this data is maintained unless it is a case of data transfer or processing outside the geographical borders of the Kingdom.

The Islamic University confirms that your personal data security is one of its top priorities, and it will only be available to those who must view it when needed, and access to information will only be allowed to those who provide the services of Islamic University of Madinah portal. However, the concept of "personal data" in this context does not include your comments and posts that you upload to the portal or its services for the purpose of publication or interactive use of services.

We  ensure that personal data is only available to persons authorized to access and deal with it with minimal powers that achieve the purpose of requesting such data, through the implementation of a number of technical and organizational actions, including, but not limited to, the following:

1.     Personal data collection is limited to how much is needed and with minimal privileges to disclose the data.

2.   All available options to the owner of the data and his/her implicit or explicit consent shall be obtained regarding data collection, use or disclosure.

3.   Trained data protection employees on the importance of the data.

4.   Highly restricted disclosure of personal data to third parties as specified in the Privacy Policy for which the data owner has provided explicit or implicit consent.

5.   Comply with policies and regulations issued by the National Data Management Office (NDMO).

6.   Implementation of appropriate data protection security measures – such as encryption.

7.   All possible measures taken by the university when dealing with third parties and reinforcing them to maintain a personal data security process.

All rights are guaranteed by the Personal Data Protection Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/19) dated 9/2/1443 AH, where these rights are subject to exceptions and exemptions determined by the system in accordance with the royal ceremonies, laws and regulations issued by the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and policies issued by the National Data Management Office -NDMO-.

This privacy policy applies to the Islamic University of Madinah portal and the services of the domain only, and if you go to another site through, you should read the privacy policy of that site to determine the information security practices and privacy policy adopted there.

Please keep in mind that periodic amendments and updates are made to our Privacy Policy, which will be published on this page, please constantly check for any changes to the Islamic University of Madinah Privacy Policy.

Please be informed that if you have any inquiry, complaint or request regarding your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data or about what is stated in the privacy policy in general, you should contact the Data Management and Decision Support Center at IU through: 

Islamic University - Madinah, P.O. Box (170).

Phone Number: 920022042