College of Engineering

College of Engineering Council

Article Thirty-four of the Higher Education and Universities Council System states the following:

The College Council shall be responsible for considering matters related to the college and shall in particular:

Propose the appointment, secondment, delegation and promotions of faculty members, teaching assistants and lecturers.

Propose or amend study plans with coordination between departments.

Propose curricula, prescribed books and references in the college departments.

Encourage the preparation of scientific research and coordinate it between the college departments and work to publish it.

Propose examination dates and establish regulations for conducting them.

Propose the college's internal regulations.

Propose training plans and missions necessary for the college.

Propose the college's extracurricular activity plan.

Deciding on student matters that fall within its jurisdiction and making recommendations to the University Council regarding other matters.

Considering what the University Council, its President or Vice President refers to it for study and expressing an opinion.

The College Council in the current academic year 1446 AH consists of:

Dr. Abdulrahman bin Ibrahim Al Qasim, Chairman of the Council

Dr. Rayan bin Hamza Al Sisi, Member

Dr. Abdulrahman bin Daif Allah Al Jabri, Member

Dr. Muhammad bin Farouk Addas, Member

Dr. Saleh bin Awda Al Ahmadi, Member

Dr. Abdul Majeed bin Muflih Al Anzi, Member