College of the Holy Qur'an

Programs of Quran College


Master's Program (Tafsir) College of the Holy Quran


Qualify specialists from across the globe with high efficiency and ability to conduct academic research in Tafsir and serve the local and international community.



1. Qualify academic scholars specialized in Tafsir and the disciplines of the Qur’an.

2. Advance graduate students’ at the master's level in Tafsir.

3. Provide a global academic program in its methodological level and in innovative vision.

4. Pioneer the academic department in local and international academic circles, providing new outputs and becoming an example to follow.

5. Respond to the university’s requirements of quality in academic development for excellence and global leadership.


Master's Program (Qira'at) College of the Holy Qur'an



 Preparing qualified specialists in Qira’at and itsdisciplines  to contribute to enriching specialized academic research locally and globally. To achieve sustainable development and community partnership.



Provide an academic environment specialized in Qira’at and its disciplines  to stimulate academic research.

Graduate scholars in the field of Qira’at and its disciplines.

Qualify proficient reciters in the ten major Qira’at, and related modes.

Develop faculty members and students’ professional and academic.

Utilize modern technologies in education and research.

Provide diverse knowledge and specialized academic studies; service the local and global community.


PhD Program (Tafsir)



Qualify specialists from across the globe with high efficiency and ability to conduct research in the Tafsir of the Qur’an serve the local and international community.



1. Enable students to understand the meanings of the Noble Qur’an, its rulings, judgments, sermons, etiquette, and good behavior using advanced methods.

2. Teach Quranic studies.

3. Link learners with the sources of Tafsir, according to the scholarly methods, direct guidance, and self-practice.

4. Raise the level of academic competencies in Quranic studies.

5. Strengthen the student's abilities to criticise and analyze, and conduct research.

6. Contribute to the development of qualified specialists at the local and global levels.


 PhD Program – Qira’at


      Prepare specialists in Qira’at and itsdisciplines , in terms of narrations and detailed study, along with innovative and effective research contributing to the development of specialized knowledge and linking it to otherdisciplines .


Program Goals

1. Graduate knowledgeable reciters of the ten recitations.

2. Instill skills of research and careful investigation in Qira’at and its disciplines .

3. Strengthen Qira’at researchers’ abilities to link specific topics in relation to other aspects and disciplines.

4. Address issues of importance in Qira’at and its disciplines in a way that provides qualitative additions to the field.