College of Computing and Information Systems

About program

Program Description

College: Faculty of Computer and Information Systems
Department: Computer science
Specialization: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Type of degree: Bachelor
Education approach: In Class
Program hours count: 136
Program Description -
Education type: Regular
Period: 4 Years
No. Of Levels: 8 Levels
No. Of Weeks Per Level: 16 Weeks
  1. Prepare students to provide effective computer solutions to solve real-world problems, locally and globally, by employing the principles and theories of computer science.
  2. Enabling students to develop themselves professionally and continuously to keep pace with the renewed needs in the labor market.
  3. Empowering students as leaders and entrepreneurs.
  4. Enabling students to participate in the latest research and pursue their graduate studies in the field of computer science.
  1. A high school certificate or its equivalent from inside or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which the Office of the President of the University may exempt from for a good reason
  2. Good conduct and behavior
  3. Successful completion of any test or personal interview determined by the College Board
  4. Medical fitness
  5. If you work in the private or public sector, the employer’s consent to study
  6. Completing all other requirements set by the university's board of professors and announced during the application
  7. There is no previous expulsion from another university for disciplinary reasons.
  8. By adhering to the rules and regulations of the university
  9. Successfully meet all other requirements set by the Deanship of Admission and Registration during the application process
  10. The following has been required to accept the student (non-Saudi resident) with a grant from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
  11. Regular residence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the sponsor's approval to study at the university
  12. The following requirements have been determined for the admission of a student who has received a grant from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  13. The age is not less than 17 years or more than 25 years to study at the bachelor's level at the Institute for Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers or the like, which the Office of the President of the University may be exempted for a valid reason
  14. The approval of the government of the applicant's country to study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia only if the country requires the same for Saudi students wishing to do so
  15. No other scholarship from any other educational institution in Saudi Arabia
  16. Certificates or identification documents certified by the authorities determined by the university
  17. Criminal record certificate in the applicant's country
  18. Letter of recommendation
# Course Name Year Semester Description
1 أساسيات الحوسبة First Year First Semester -
2 Calculus I تفاضل وتكامل (1) First Year First Semester -
3 فيزياء عامة 1 - GENERAL PHYSICS 1 First Year First Semester -
4 اللغة الإنجليزية الأكاديمية - ACADEMIC ENGLISH First Year First Semester -
5 العقيدة First Year First Semester -
6 التحرير العربي First Year First Semester -
7 مقدمة في الإحصاء First Year Second Semester -
8 النظم الرقمية First Year Second Semester -
9 اللغة الإنجليزية الفنية كتابة التقارير First Year Third Semester -
10 أساسيات البرمجة First Year Second Semester -
11 اتصالات البيانات First Year Second Semester -
12 القرآن الكريم (1) First Year Second Semester -
13 شبكات الحاسب الآلي Second year First Semester -
14 قيم إسلامية - ISLAMIC VALUES Second year First Semester -
15 Calculus III تفاضل وتكامل (3) Second year First Semester -
16 هياكل البيانات Second year First Semester -
17 منهجية البحث Second year First Semester -
18 تحليل و تصميم النظم Second year First Semester -
19 أنظمة التشغيل Second year Second Semester -
20 برمجة متقدمة Second year Second Semester -
21 هندسة البرمجيات Second year Second Semester -
22 القرآن الكريم (2) Second year Second Semester -
23 الاحتمالات والإحصاء للمهندسين Second year Second Semester -
24 السنة والسيرة - SUNNAH AND SIRAH Third Second Semester -
25 تصميم و تحليل الخوارزميات Third Second Semester -
26 طرق الحاسوب العددية Third Second Semester -
27 مفاهيم لغات البرمجة Third Second Semester -
28 Field Training التدريب الميداني Third Second Semester -
29 أساسيات ريادة الأعمال Third Second Semester -
30 تاريخ المملكة - HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM Fourth First Semester -
31 الرسم بالحاسب Fourth First Semester -
32 بناء المترجمات Fourth First Semester -
33 حاسبات موزعة و متوازية Fourth First Semester -
34 Graduation Project I مشروع التخرج 1 Fourth First Semester -
35 أخلاقيات الحوسبة Fourth Second Semester -
36 أمن الحاسب Fourth Second Semester -
37 الذكاء الاصطناعي Fourth Second Semester -
38 Graduation Project II مشروع التخرج (2) Fourth Second Semester -
39 الفقه Fourth Second Semester -
40 المعالجات الدقيقة First Year First Semester
41 تعلم الآلة First Year First Semester
42 برمجة تطبيقات الموبيل First Year First Semester
43 اختبار البرمجيات First Year First Semester