مكتب إدارة البيانات


Explore the API for Graduated students

There is support for the HTTP GET method . Besides, most API endpoints return JSON.Endpoints are arranged hierarchically to illustrate the relationships between items. Each response includes a series of links that make it simple and meaningful to navigate between API endpoints.This API was developed for a dataset of graduated students

Multivalued faculty names can be written by separating them by a space, such as "engineering shariah" and so on

Example: master, ph.d, bachelor's in lower case, considered sensitive cases

Multivalued semesters can be written by separating them by a space, such as "semester411 semester421"

Sorting is related to the total number of students in ASC and DESC

Minimum rows to view and load the dataset result as a JSON file


Example Value

  "total_count": 13599,
  "results": [
      "degree_name": bachelor's,
      "number_of_students": 82,
      "gender": "male",
      "Semester": "semester411",
      "faculty_name": {
        "noble hadith islamic studies"
      "degree_name": master,
      "number_of_students": 7,
      "gender": "female",
      "Semester": "semester421",
      "faculty_name": {
        "dawah theology"
      "degree_name": ph.d,
      "number_of_students": 3,
      "gender": "male",
      "Semester": "semester441",
      "faculty_name": {
      "degree_name": ph.d,
      "number_of_students": 8,
      "gender": "male",
      "Semester": "semester431",
      "faculty_name": {
        "noble quran islamic studies"

          "degree_name": diploma,
          "number_of_students": 34,
          "gender": "male",
          "Semester": "semester431",
          "faculty_name": {
            "arabic language institute"

      "degree_name": higher diploma,
      "number_of_students": 11,
      "gender": "female",
      "Semester": "semester411",
      "faculty_name": {
        "arabic language"

      "degree_name": bachelor's,
      "number_of_students": 22,
      "gender": "male",
      "Semester": "semester425",
      "faculty_name": {

API Endpoints

  • GET/api/graduates/
  • GET/api/graduates/semester/{semester}
  • GET/api/graduates/degree/{degree}
  • GET/api/graduates/faculty/{faculty}
  • GET/api/graduates/gender/{gender}
  • /graduates with Query Parameters: {degree}, {faculty}, {gender}, {semester}

  • Catalog API to enumerate parameters and terms

    Parameters Terms
    Faculty name noble quran islamic studies
    arabic language
    arabic langauage institute
    community services
    computer information systems
    dawah theology
    law judical studies
    noble hadith islamic studies
    gender male
    degree_name master
    Semester semester411:semester452