
Islamic University Unveils Third Edition of 'Pioneering Alumni Award' at Thailand Alumni Forum

The Islamic University of Madinah participated in organizing the 'Non-Saudi Higher Education Alumni Forum,' held in Bangkok, Thailand. The university's engagement included the distinguished participation of Dr. Hassan bin Abdulmunim Al-Oufi, the Acting President of the Islamic University, as the keynote speaker for the second session of the forum titled: 'Alumni Efforts in Promoting the Moderate and Balanced Approach and Correcting Misconceptions about Islam.' He emphasized the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's approach in disseminating Islamic teachings, highlighting its moderation and tolerance. Since its establishment, the Islamic University of Madinah has borne the global scientific responsibility of providing scholarships to students worldwide, thus extending the impact of these students to their communities across the globe.

During the forum, Dr. Al-Oufi delivered a compelling paper titled 'Empowering Graduates in Service of Islamic and National Issues' in the fourth session. He underscored the university's proactive approach in fostering relationships with its global alumni, coinciding with the unveiling of the esteemed 'Pioneering Alumni Award's' third edition. This award honors exceptional graduates, acknowledging their impactful contributions to their respective communities.

Additionally, Dr. Ibrahim bin Salem Al-Saadi, the Dean of the College of Arabic Language and Humanities, was an active participant in the forum's closing session, shedding light on 'The Role of Saudi Universities in Attracting International Students.' His message to the graduates resonated profoundly: 'Dear graduates, your achievements embody the rich heritage of this esteemed institution. May your unwavering bond with your university be a testament to loyalty and dedication.


The university's participation culminated with a set of recommendations highlighted in the forum's closing statement. These suggestions emphasized the significance of nurturing and fortifying relationships among graduates of Saudi universities, advocating for stronger bonds with their respective university.