Deanship of Admission and Registration

Obligations on the scholarship student

The scholarship student at the Islamic University must believe in responsibility towards the university to which he will belong, and based on our tolerant law, on which our principles and morals are based, the most important of which are honesty, trustworthiness, lofty moral values, and respect for the system and the law, and must be keen to apply the learning ethics that... It requires that he monitor himself for his own benefit. And the interest of his community and the country in which he will live, and he must be aware of his rights and duties contained in the regulations for study and examinations for the university stage and its executive rules at the university.


The student undertakes the following:

     That all the information he entered in the admission application is correct, and that all his identification papers and certificates are free from distortion or forgery. If it is proven otherwise, his acceptance will be cancelled, and the student will be subject to punishment.

     He must adhere to the regulations of the state and the university, including: not allowing him to remain inside the Kingdom upon graduation, dropping out of school, or canceling his enrollment, and that he is not entitled to transfer sponsorship to someone other than the university, and he is committed to traveling to his country. In the event of a violation, the university has the right to take legal action against it.