Institute of Research and Consultative Studies

Staff of Institute of Research and Consulting Studies

  Dr. Sami bin Ghazai Al-Salami


Dean of the Institute of Research and Consulting Studies




  Dr.. Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jarallah


Supervisor of the Agency for Research and Consulting Studies



Dr.. Sultan bin Sami Arab


Supervisor of the Agency for Research and Consulting Studies for Contracts and Projects




Dr.. Abd al-Rahman bin Muhammad al-Marwani


Supervisor of the Partnerships and Agreements Unit at the Institute of Research and Consulting Studies




A. Muhammad bin Nayef Al-Omari


  manager director




A. Ahmed bin Abdul Hadi Al-Saedi


Director of the Dean's Office




A. Abdullah bin Faraj Al-Sa'edi


Secretary of the Institute's Undersecretary for Contracts and Projects




a. Musab bin Eid al-Juhani


Partnerships and Contracts Unit




a. Suleiman bin Khaled Al-Qafari


Purchasing Unit Officer




a. Bandar bin Aziz Al Alawi


desk reporter




a. Abdullah bin Saad Al-Alawi


desk reporter