كيمياء فيزيائية متقدمة - ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY

المقررات / كيمياء فيزيائية متقدمة - ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
رمز المقرر:
CHEM 5152
اسم المقرر:
كيمياء فيزيائية متقدمة - ADVANCED PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY
:المعتمدة الساعات
المتطلبات السابقة:

عن المقرر

Concepts of chemical thermodynamics; Theory of chemical reaction rates, kinetic studies of simple and complex systems; Fundamental principles of surface chemistry and catalysis; Basic concepts of materials sciences; Some specific applications.

الكتب المقررة:

Main Text Book: 1. Physical Chemistry, 10th Ed., By Peter Atkins and Julio De Paula, Oxford University Press, 2014. 2. Surface Chemistry: Basic Concepts and Techniques, By Herbert Over, Wiley-VCH, 2019. Subsidiary Books: 1. Physical Chemistry, 3rd Ed., By Thomas Engel and Philip Reid, Pearson, 2013. 2. Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science, Lyklema J., Academic Press, Vol. 1-5, 1995.