كيمياء عضوية 1 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I

المقررات / كيمياء عضوية 1 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I
رمز المقرر:
CHEM 3221
اسم المقرر:
كيمياء عضوية 1 - ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I
:المعتمدة الساعات
المتطلبات السابقة:
كيمياء عامة 1 ( كيم 3111 ) - GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 ( CHEM 3111 )

عن المقرر

This course aims to introduce students to the classification, nomenclature, preparations, physical properties and chemical reactions of aliphatic organic compounds. Practical part: Measuring the melting point of different organic compounds, purification of organic compounds, distillation and separation methods for compounds, chromatographic methods, identification of alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones and acids, identifying an unknown liquids and solids by functional group tests.

الكتب المقررة:

Main Textbook:  Organic chemistry, by T.W. Graham Solomons, Craig B Fryhle, 11th Ed., 2014.Publisher: WILEY Subsidiary books?  Organic Chemistry, Eighth Edition, 2012 by John McMurry, Brooks/Cole Publisher  Organic Chemistry 7th Edition, 2013 by Robert Thornton Morrison, Robert Neilson Boyd, SaibalKanti Bhattacharjee, Publisher: Pearson Education