فيزياء حديثة - MODERN PHYSICS

المقررات / فيزياء حديثة - MODERN PHYSICS
رمز المقرر:
PHYS 3214
اسم المقرر:
فيزياء حديثة - MODERN PHYSICS
:المعتمدة الساعات
المتطلبات السابقة:

عن المقرر

Special theory of relativity: Time dilation and length contraction, Lorentz transformations, relativistic momentum, and energy. The quantum theory of light: blackbody radiation, light quantization and the photoelectric effect, the Compton scattering and x-rays. The particle nature of matter: the Composition of the atom, Rutherford experiments, the Bohr atom, the Franck–Hertz experiment. Matter Waves: De Broglie waves, wave groups, and dispersion, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the wave-particle duality.

الكتب المقررة:

Main Textbook: • Modern Physics 3rd ed., Raymond A. Serway, Clement J. Moses and Curt A. Moyer. Thomson Learning Inc. (2005). Subsidiary Books: • Introduction to modern physics 2nd ed.R.B.Singh, New age international publishers.( 2009) • Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers 2nd edition. J. Taylor, C. Zafiratos and Michael A. Dubson. University Science Books; Second edition (2014). • Modern Physics, K. S. Krane, Wiley; 3rd edition (2012).