Deanship of Admission and Registration

Frequently asked questions for international students

- What is my username?

It is your email address with which you registered your data

- I did not receive a registration confirmation request on my email?

Please check the mails in your inbox and junk mail; If this does not work, you can register with a new email from another service provider

- When does a student have the right to print the acceptance notice?

After his name is included in the final acceptance list

- Can I save some stages and complete the rest of the recording later?

Yes, you can, but you must press the save button at the stage you have reached before exiting

- What are the colleges and specialized tracks available for study?

• College of Sharia • College of Legal Systems • College of Hadith

• College of the Qur’an • College of Da’wah • College of Arabic Language

• College of Science • College of Computer • College of Engineering

- What is the meaning of the application status (under study)?

Meaning of the application status (under study): The application is in the stage of studying the file, auditing the data, and sorting

- What does the application status (initially accepted) mean?

Meaning of application status (initially accepted): That the applicant is nominated by the university and is in the process of completing the official procedures to obtain final approval for the scholarship

- When will the names of candidates or those accepted to study at the university be announced?

The names of candidates for study or those finally accepted are announced in continuous and periodic batches, in addition to sending mail messages (to the e-mail address registered in the “My Grant” system) upon completion of the regular procedures for final acceptance. However, it is advisable for the applicant to constantly follow up his application on the Manhati system in case there is any technical glitch in the arrival of emails

- When does the application deadline for internatioanl scholarship students begin?

The application time varies from year to year; Applications are made available on the portal designated for application, and are announced on the university’s website in addition to social media (Twitter - Facebook).

- What is the differentiation mechanism between applicants for international scholarships?

The university adopts precise criteria in the comparison between applicants, which includes selecting the distinguished, taking into account the diversity of their nationalities

Is it necessary to take the Arabic language test for applicants from non-Arab countries?

Yes, he must take the Arabic language test, and he will not be nominated for study if he does not take the test

-Is the applicant required to pass the Arabic language test?

It is not necessary, and a student who is not proficient in Arabic can be accepted, but he will need to study the Arabic language before enrolling in the bachelor’s degree

- What are the stages at which applications for scholarships from outside the Kingdom are accepted?

It is the bachelor's degree only, and there is no admission to the pre-university levels or the postgraduate levels

- Are there scholarships for postgraduate studies?

Yes, but applying for it is only for graduates from the bachelor’s level at the Islamic University

- What does (scholarship application number) mean?

The application number (scholarship application number) is the application submission number that appears to the applicant after the end of submitting the application on the “My scholarship ” website. So that he can review the status of his application, it is not the student’s university number. Rather, the permanently accepted student is given a new university number upon his acceptance.

- What is the username and password to enter the academic system portal for accepted students?

Username: is the university number, and password: is the ID number